Our mission is to identify, restore and advocate for crucial wildlife habitats throughout the world
Our vision is for every person to be able to enjoy the rich ecological heritage of our planet in as unspoiled state as possible. We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest, or religion. We are funded by our membership, public donations, and the generous support of our corporate partners and sponsors.
To effectively make a difference, we target very specific areas for our efforts. We focus on mediating the effects of urbanization, reclaiming brownfields, and relocating endangered wildlife.
The iMIS Foundation was established in 1992 by Julia and Rob Gillis, Chicago entrepreneurs and philanthropists, who wanted to create a hands-on way to get involved in worldwide environmental and wildlife conservation efforts.
We strive to be transparent with our finances so that you know exactly how your donations are used. Our finances are audited annually and the results are submitted to international charity monitoring organizations. We are proud to be consistently on the Top Ten lists for these organizations.
Are you interested in a rewarding career while making a difference in the world? Whether you are beginning your career or you are a seasoned professional, you can find a meaningful career here. We would be honored to have you join our team!
When you make a donation, you'll help to protect vital wildlife habitats around the globe.