Recruitment & Retention

Digital Marketing

Top 5 Ways to Refresh Your Studio from the Inside Out (Open Access)

If the content of your studio stays the same year after year, it will feel stale to your students no matter what your marketing or website say. Time to mix it up and keep students wondering what will be exciting and different this year!

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Technology Tips and Tools: How to Get More Students to Contact Your Studio

There is a lot of advice given about how to get more students for your studio. Many recommendations are offered: Facebook ads, social media marketing, Google marketing, referrals, and even word of mouth. These are important tools for getting people to discover your studio. But, none of them are as important as your website.

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Possibilities in a Disrupted Economy

Economic changes typically happen over months or years, not weeks or days. No amount of planning could have predicted an unprecedented, once-in-a-lifetime, disruptive event like the coronavirus pandemic.

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Studio Marketing: Creating Value, Meeting Needs

Meeting a customer's need or solving a problem means we are responding to the situation with possibility. Marketing is about communicating the value of what we do and how that value can meet a need or solve a problem. Marketing is not about listing our credentials and studio features and then hoping parents will notice. …

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Re-Defining Word-Of-Mouth

A student tells a friend about the cool Star Wars piece he is learning. A parent asks the school band director for ideas on where to find private trumpet lessons. Savvy parents inquire about credentials, teaching style and curriculum.

Word of mouth has been an effective marketing tool for centuries. Is it still working today?

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Marketing To The Millennials

There’s a well-known marketing adage that a business should know who its target consumer is. What does that mean for a piano studio? … From a purely business point of view, the parent is our target consumer. How well do you know the parents that will consider enrolling their children in your studio?

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52 Ways To Create An Impression

First impressions count. So do second, third and ninth impressions in successful marketing efforts to recruit and retain students. Marketing, branding and professional image are essential ongoing elements of a thriving studio.

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