Title |
Author(s)/Presenter(s) |
An Examination of Collegiate Piano Majors’ Experiences Learning, Beliefs About and Confidence in Selecting and Teaching Literature by Diverse Composers
(January 2024 MTNA e-Journal) |
Jenna Klein, NCTM |
The Teaching Methods and Philosophies of Three Leading Piano Teachers in China: Zhe Tang, Ling Zhao and Vivian Li
(February 2024 MTNA e-Journal) |
Natalie Burton |
Equality vs. Equity
(August/September 2023 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
The Jury is Out, Part 2
(December/January 2022/2023 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
DEI: Radical Recruitment Resolutions
(December/January 2021/2022 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
The Jury is Out, Part 1
(August/September 2022 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
Equitable Access to Private Lessons: Making Music Affordable for Those in Need
(June/July 2022 American Music Teacher) |
Natalie Burton |
Equitable Piano Lessons: Reflections from the Non-Profit Sector -
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Igor Lipinski |
Perspectives on Cultural Appropriation in Classical Piano Music: Nuances, Repercussions, and tools to move forward
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Mikhail Johnson |
Embracing Diversity in Your Studio: Pedagogical Approaches in Intercultural Piano Teaching
(January 2022 Collegiate Symposium) |
Shuk-Ki Wong |
Why, What, and How: Applying Universal Design for Learning in the Piano Studio
(January 2022 Collegiate Symposium) |
Devin Weckstein |
The Power of Microaggression
(November 2021 Webinar) |
Michelle Conda |
How Do You …? Get Students Excited About Learning Diverse Repertoire
(October/November 2021 American Music Teacher) |
Multiple Authors |
Diversity in Music Who? What? When? Where? Why?
(August/September 2021 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Caliborne |
Building a Diverse Studio
(May 2021 Webinar) |
Leah Claiborne, Chan Kiat Lim, Veena Kulkarni-Rankin and Lynette Zelis |
Addressing Financial Barriers to Private Music Lessons
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Arizona State University Collegiate Chapter |
Defining, Encouraging Diversity: A Survey of High-Profile Community-Oriented Music Education Program in the U.S., Germany and Korea
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Yoon Joo Hwang |
Hidden Curriculum and Subtle Structures: Understanding and addressing Systemic Inequity in Music Teaching
(2021 MTNA Conference)
Download Handout |
Jared Rixstine |
LGBT Who? Affirming LGBTQ Students in the Music Classroom
(2021 MTNA Conference)
Download Handout |
Hannah Fisher |
The Beauty and the Beast of Online Teaching: Embracing Change Through Diversity
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Diana Dumlavwalla, Ka Man Melody Ng |
(September 2020 MTNA e-Journal) |
Hannah Fisher (Poster Session) |
“In diversity there is beauty and there is strength” (Maya Angelou) - Achieving Inclusion and Diversity to Enhance Your Studio Growth
(2020 MTNA Conference) |
Diana Dumlavwalla, Ka Man Melody Ng |
Chopsticks, Golliwogs And Wigwams: The Need For Cultural Awareness In Piano Teaching Materials And Repertoire
(October/November 2017 American Music Teacher) |
Kiyoshi Tamagawa |
Pedagogic Multiculturalism From A Korean Perspective
(September 2015 MTNA e-Journal) |
Jihun Cho |
The United States and China: Management Differences in the Private Teaching Studio
(October/November 2011 American Music Teacher) |
Anthony Olson |
Around the World at the Piano Becoming Multicultural in Today's Piano Studio
(April/May 2011 American Music Teacher) |
Deborah Rosen Brener |
Cross-Cultural Communication in the Piano Studio
(August/September 2002 American Music Teacher) |
Kenneth Williams |
On Asian and Asian American Affinities with Western Classical Music: What Did Confucius Say?
(April/May 2000 American Music Teacher) |
Hao Huang |
Early Piano Education in Japan: The Importance of Laying the Foundation
(December/January 1998/1999 American Music Teacher) |
Midori Koga |
Teacher-Student Communications: Crossing Cultural Barriers
(April/May 1993 American Music Teacher) |
Deborah Rosen |