American Music Teacher

Product Reviews Guidelines

American Music Teacher, the official journal of Music Teachers National Association, is committed to keeping AMT readers informed of new books, videos, software and music of interest as they become available. AMT cannot, however, write and publish reviews of all such material. In an effort to make our review process more efficient and to keep publisher review costs down, we offer the following recommendations.


We are most likely to review biographies of major composers and performers (especially keyboard performers), music history, music and culture, music and technology, “The Piano Music of [Composer],” pedagogy and other aspects of studio teaching. We are less likely to review extremely narrow or scholarly monographs, college and classroom music texts, and books on general or classroom music instruction, and books on popular music and novels. AMT welcomes digital formats.


Because a large percentage of our readers teach piano, a portion of each review column is devoted to piano music. We do, however, encourage the submissions of music for other instruments. The following guidelines are intended to guide your selection of music for AMT review submission. We are most likely to review piano and other instrumental methods, new solo music by recognized composers, solo instrumental music collections, organ music, chamber music, and important new editions of standard works. We are less likely to review reprints of standard repertoire without editorial significance. It is unlikely that we would review band, orchestra or choir music; recorder music; harp music; accordion music; individual sheet music selections; holiday music; and music published before 2021.


We are most likely to review videos dealing with pedagogy and general music study (composer profiles, instrumental or ensemble description), and solo performance videos of well-known artists.


AMT is most likely to review instructional and music notational software/apps.

Finally, we do not review audio recordings.

All materials for review should be sent to:
American Music Teacher
ATTN: Reviews
600 Vine St., Ste. 1710
Cincinnati, OH 45202
digital formats sent to: