2024–2025 Composition Guidelines

Composition Coordinator

Christopher Goldston, NCTM

Registration is CLOSED!




  • NEW THIS YEAR—No restrictions on ensemble size for compositions.
  • YouTube links will be submitted instead of MIDI files. See details below.
  • Attendance and performance at the national conference is optional for national winners and is not a condition for accepting the prize money.
  • MTNA active membership dues must be paid before submission of the registration. A $150 nonmember teacher fee will be assessed if entrant's teacher has not paid active membership dues for the 2024–2025 membership year.
  • Primary communication is via email. The registration must have accurate email addresses for entrant, teacher and parents. Be sure to check spam/junk folders regularly for confirmations and other important information.
  • Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be no exceptions.

Composition Competitions


  • Age: 5–10 on January 1, 2025
  • Entry Fee: $50


  • Age: 11–14 on January 1, 2025
  • Entry Fee: $70


  • Age: 15–18 on January 1, 2025
  • Entry Fee: $100

Young Artist:

  • Age: 19–26 on January 1, 2025
  • Entry fee: $100

National Awards

Awards made possible by Alfred Music

  • Elementary Winner: $500
  • Elementary Second Place: $400
  • Elementary Third Place: $300

Awards made possible by Alfred Music

  • Junior Winner: $1,000
  • Junior Second Place: $500
  • Junior Third Place: $300

Awards made possible by the MTNA Foundation Fund

  • Senior Winner: $2,000
  • Senior Second Place: $1,000
  • Senior Third Place: $500

Awards made possible by the MTNA Foundation Fund

  • Young Artist Winner: $3,000
  • Young Artist Second Place: $1,500
  • Young Artist Third Place: $750

General Guidelines

Entrants and teachers must meet the Entrant and Teacher Requirements. All submissions must follow the Composition Competition Rules listed below.

Competition Timeline

  • PDF score and YouTube link are required with submission of registration.
  • Results of state competitions will be announced by November 1.
  • Results of division competitions will be announced by December 15.
  • Results of national competitions will be announced by February 1.

Competition Rules

  • An entrant may submit only one composition and may enter in only one state.
  • Entrant must be the sole composer of submitted composition.
  • Teacher listed on registration must agree to entrant participation in the competition.
  • Decisions of competition judges are final.
  • A national first-place MTNA winner may not enter again in the same Composition Competition Level (Elementary, Junior, Senior, Young Artist).
  • A composition may be in any style.
  • The performance time must not exceed ten (10) minutes.
  • If a composer uses a text: (1) copyrighted text must have a written statement from the copyright holder giving permission to use text or (2) text that is in the public domain must have a statement signed by the student and the teacher indicating this fact.
  • State and division winners/representatives will advance to the next level of the competition.
  • If there is only one (1) entrant in a State-level category, there will be NO State Competition. The entrant will be named the State Representative and that composition will advance directly to the Division Competition. Composition representatives will receive comments at every level of the competition.
  • If there is only one (1) entrant in a Division-level category there will be NO Division Competition. The entrant will be named the Division Representative and that composition will advance directly to the National Finals.
  • If there are seven (7) or fewer entrants nationwide in a category at the state level, those entrants will advance directly to the National Competition.
  • Primary communication is via e-mail. The registration must have e-mail addresses for entrant, teacher and parents.

    Submission Requirements

    • The registration with computer-generated PDF score and YouTube link must be submitted online.
    • Handwritten scores will not be accepted.
    • Only the PDF score will be evaluated. Recordings are used only to aid the judging process and are not considered in rankings or evaluations.

    Score Requirements

    • The PDF should be printable on 8.5 x 11-inch letter-sized paper.
    • PDF score must be computer generated using music-notation software.
    • Cover art should not be included.
    • Measures of the composition must be numbered, preferably at the beginning of each system.
    • All materials must be labeled with the name of the composition, the name of the entrant and the level (Elementary, Junior, Senior, Young Artist).
    • The score must not include teacher name or any reference to school/institution or biography of entrant.
    • No change may be made to the manuscript once it has been submitted with the registration.
    • The entrant certifies that the composition is an original work, and the score was produced by the entrant.

    YouTube Requirements

    • YouTube links will be submitted instead of MIDI files.
    • YouTube videos may either be of a performance of the piece, or a sound file, generated by the music notation software, and converted into a format compatible with YouTube.
    • Videos should be unlisted, with comments disabled. Account owner should be either anonymous, or the entrant/parent (not the teacher or studio name).
    • Videos should be an accurate representation of the PDF score. If there are discrepancies between the video and PDF score, only the score will be evaluated.
    • Only the entrant's name and title of the composition should be included in the video or video description. Additional information, including teacher name, should not be given.
    • YouTube link cannot be replaced after registration submission.
    • Entrants are ranked solely on the quality of their written composition, not on the quality of the recording.
    • Video should only contain the submitted composition. Additional movements or pieces should not be included in the video.
    • Videos of national winners will be published on the MTNA website.

    Performance Information

    • National composition first-place winners are invited and encouraged to have their composition performed at the appropriate Winners Concert during the MTNA National Conference. Attendance and performance at the national conference is optional and is not a condition for accepting the award.
    • Compositions for more than nine (9) performers cannot be performed at the national conference, should the submitted composition be chosen as the first-place winner. Electronic realizations of larger scale works are not allowed.
    • Compositions using extended (inside-the-piano) techniques cannot be performed at the national conference, should the submitted composition be chosen as the first-place winner. (i.e. introducing foreign objects into the workings of the piano to change the sound quality, strumming or plucking of strings).
    • Performances must be on the instrument(s) for which the submitted composition was written.
    • Winners who choose to perform at the National Conference must provide their own musicians for this concert, and only live performances are allowed.
    • Competition financial obligations are the responsibility of the entrant.

Competition Agreement

  • Entrant, parents/guardians and teacher have read, understand and agree to the Guidelines for the 2024–2025 MTNA Competitions. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations will make the entrant ineligible to receive recognition or awards.
  • By entering the composition competition, entrants are giving permission for MTNA to publish a video of their composition, should they be named a national winner.
  • Entrants under age 18 have parent/guardian permission to enter MTNA competitions.
  • Credit card holder has authorized use to complete the registration.
  • All entry fees are non-refundable.
  • Entrant will abide by all copyright laws. (Original compositions are not required to have registered copyright to enter competition.)
  • MTNA is not responsible for problems with Internet service or phones.