Title |
Author(s)/Presenter(s) |
Indigenous Sounds and the Pianism of Lucrecia Kasilag: Colonial Vilence, Hybridity and Philippine Modernism
(June/July 2024 American Music Teacher) |
James Carl Lagman Osorio |
Jack Frederick Kilpatrick, Oklahoma’s Cherokee Composer: An Analysis of Six Intermediate Collections for Solo Piano
(April 2024 MTNA e-Journal) |
Hayden Coie, NCTM |
The Pedagogical Piano Works of William Grant Still
(February 2024MTNA e-Journal) |
Kindal Gammill, Desmond Henderson and Nathan Shelton |
Beyond Drumbeats and Open Fifths: Indigenous Composition sof the Americas for the Piano Studio
(October/November 2023 American Music Teacher) |
Stephanie Mercer, Penny Lazarus, NCTM, and Sue Ruby |
"Inherently Deficient" or Created Equal? The Rise of the American Woman composer
(June/July2023American Music Teacher) |
Hannah Roberts, NCTM |
Unity Through Diversity: Rhythms & Melodies in Asia and Latin America
(May 2023 American Music Teacher) |
João Paulo Casarotti, Alejandro Cremaschi, Gulimina Mahamuti and Omar Roy |
These are a Few of My Favorite…Diverse Piano Collections
(April/May 2023 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
Ukrainian Music: The Story of Passion, Struggle, and Hope
(February 2023 Webinar)
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Solomia Soroka and Arthur Greene |
Loud and Clear: Piano Music and Resources by Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color
(November 2022 Webinar)
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Olivia Adams |
Judging Diverse Repertoire for Piano Competitions
(August 2022 Webinar) |
Leah Caliborne |
Discovering Music by Indigenous Composers
(May 2022 Webinar) |
Conner Chee |
A Stylistic and Performance Analysis of Selected Solo Piano Compositions by Helen Hopekirk
(April 2022 MTNA e-Journal) |
Hannah M. Roberts |
Lost Gems from the “Golden Age” of Spanish Piano Music: Andrés Isasi, Emiliana de Zubeldía Piano Music: Andrés Isasi, Emiliana de Zubeldía and Manuel Blancafort
(April 2022 MTNA e-Journal) |
Asher Armstrong and Younggun Kim |
A Kaleidoscope of Colours: The Globalization of Canadian Music as Led by Female Composers
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Diana Dumlavwala |
A Pianist’s Guide to the Music of Gazyna Bacewicz
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Marietta Harrison, Andrea Johnson |
Asian Piano Music for Intermediate Learners
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Charisse Baldoria |
East-West Encounter: A Strking Blend of Western and Non-Western Elements in Selected Piano Works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Debussy
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Susan Chan |
From the U.S. to Argentina: Piano Duets by Women Composers of the Three Americas
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Alejandro Cremaschi, jessica Melo Pacheco Hjelmstad |
George Walker at 100: The Piano Music of an American Treasure
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Andrew Cooperstock |
In the Circle of Ladies: Rediscovering Piano Duos by Women Composers
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Bonnie Choi |
Keys to Inclusion: Joining Together in Celebration of Black American Composers
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Brian Keng-Lun Hsu, Sun Min Kim, Daniel Pesca, Sonya Schumann, Susan Tang |
Leveled Teaching Pieces by Black Composers
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Leah Claiborne |
Pedagogical Piano Repertoire of Latin America for Intermediate Students
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Desireé González-Miller |
Raag-Time: Incorporating Non-Western Musical Traditions
(2022 MTNA Conference)
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Omar Roy |
Loud & Clear: Looking at Piano Pedagogy + Female Composers Through an Intersectional Lens
(2022 MTNA Conference) |
Olivia Adams |
Competition Piano Repertoire by Black Composers
(February 2022 Webinar) |
Leah Claiborne |
Diversity within the Piano Repertoire: An Exploration of Piano Major’s Experience with and Perceptions of Music by Women Composers and Composers of Color
(February 2022 MTNA e-Journal) |
Jenna Klein |
Let It Shine! Celebrating Piano Music by Black Composers
(February 2022 MTNA e-Journal) |
Aaron Mathews |
The Guia Prático, Álbuns Para Piano by Heitor Villa-Lobos: A List of Piano Pieces
(February 2022 MTNA e-Journal) |
Verena Abufaiad |
What Ifs: Intentional Inclusion of Music by Black Composers in Music Education
(February/March 2022 American Music Teacher) |
Leah Claiborne |
Exploring Traditional Chinese Music for the Modern Piano: Pedagogical Repertoire by Chinese-American Composer Chen Yi
(2022 Collegiate Symposium) |
FNU (Amy) Ahui and Lingyi Guo |
Domestic Ethnomeusicology: Indigenous Repertoire
(November 2021 MTNA e-Journal) |
Megan Blood, NCTM |
An American Sound: Celbrating Native American Music Through the "Indianist" Movement and the American Piano Composer
(October/November 2021 American Music Teacher) |
Stephanie Mercer |
A Stylistic and Pedagogical Analysis of Select Classical Pieces in Alicia’s Piano Books
(September 2021 MTNA e-Journal) |
Ananda Sukarlan |
North American Undergraduate Pianists’ Perceptions of Women Composers
(September 2021 MTNA e-Journal) |
Kate Acone, NCTM |
What's New: Releveant Repertoire for Today
(June/July 2021 American Music Teacher) |
E. L. Lancaster |
The Influence of Yvonne Loriod on the Piano Works of Olivier Messiaen Presented
(April 2021 MTNA e-Journal) |
Tiantian Liang, NCTM |
Wilhelm Stenhammar’s Sensommarnätter, Op. 33: Rediscovered Swedish Character Pieces Presented
(April 2021 MTNA e-Journal) |
Shelby Nord, NCTM |
A Pianist’s Guide to the Music of Florence Price and Margaret Bonds
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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University of Idaho Collegiate Chapter |
Ain’t Misbehavin! A 100-Year Celebration of the Harlem Renaissance and Stride
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Jacob Womack |
An Introduction to Chinese Piano Music: Creating Dialogue About Diversity
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Washington State University Collegiate Chapter |
Diversify Your Teaching Repertoire: Piano Music by Women Composers from Baroque to Today (Early-intermediate-Advanced)
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Nicholas Phillips |
Diversity in Piano Literature: African-American Composers in Intermediate and Advanced Piano Repertoire
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Phoenix Park-Kim |
Diversity in the Group Piano Classroom: Highlighting Underrepresented Voices Through Harmonization
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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University of Oklahoma Collegiate Chapter |
Expanding Outwards: Music of Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre and Sofia Gubaidulina
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Collegiate Chapter |
God’s Gonna Trouble the Water: Margaret Bond’s Spiritual Fantasia
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Camille Jensen-Weber |
Icy Alternatives: Nordic PIano Literature
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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Kristín Jónína Taylor |
Innovative Intermediate Piano Literature from Latin America
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
University of Memphis Collegiate Chapter |
Malaysian Composers in Focus: Piano Works by Adeline Wong and Tazul Tajuddin
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Melody Quah |
Out of the Shadows: The PIano Works of Fanny Hensel Mendelssohn
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Bonnie Choi |
Overcoming the Sticky Floor: Re-writing the Myths of Women Composers to Reveal the Scope and Genius of Their Magic
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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Lynn Worcester Jones, Penny Lazarus, Sally J. Ritchie, Sue Ruby |
Piano Works by Latin American Composers: A Lecture Recital
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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Gabriela Calderón-Cornejo |
The Flavor of Brazil: A Lecture-Recital on Solo Piano Pieces for Beginners and Beyond by Brazilian Composers
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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Jessica Pacheco Hjelmstad |
The French-Canadian Song Alternative
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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Lissa Moana Lowry, Paula Pressnel |
The Political Implication in Selected Chinese Folksong Transcriptions for Violin and Piano
(2021 MTNA Conference) |
Yang Liu, I-hsuan Olivia Tsai |
Uncovering Hidden Voices: Exploring Works by Black Women Composers in the Helen Walker-Hill Collection
(2021 MTNA Conference)
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University of Colorado Boulder Collegiate Chapter |
Social Justice in the Piano Studio: Inspiring Advanced Students With Music by Brazil’s First Female Professional Pianist
(April/May 2020 American Music Teacher) |
Garrett Snedeker |
Argentine Piano Gems: The Music of Carlos Gaustavino (1912-2000)
(2020 MTNA Conference)
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Luis Sanchez |
Clara Schumann’s Solo Piano Works and “Preludes”
(2020 MTNA Conference) |
Jungwha Lee |
Diversifying Student Repertoire Through Works by Alberto Ginastera
(2020 MTNA Conference) |
Melody Quah |
Federico Mopou’s Piano Miniatures: Economical, Elegant, Intimate
(2020 MTNA Conference)
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Janice Larson Razaq |
Mothers of Music: Piano Works by Female Composers for Elementary to Early-Intermediate Students 1650–1925
(2020 MTNA Conference)
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Utah State University Collegiate Chapter |
Voices Silenced: Piano Music of Composers Killed in the Holocaust
(2020 MTNA Conference) |
Hannah Creviston |
Brazilian Dances for the Advancing Pianist: Francisca Gonzaga's Waltzes and Tangos for Piano
(April 2019 MTNA e-Journal) |
Ana Paula Simoes |
Spotlight on Cuban Classical Music Ernesto Lecuona's Danzas afrocubanas
(August/September 2018 American Music Teacher) |
Angela Miller-Niles |
Women In Music: Piano Music Written for One Hand by Women Composers: Parts I and II
(August/September 2013 American Music Teacher) |
Adrienne Wiley |
Multicultural Approach To Korean Music With The Traditional Folk Song â "Bird, Bird, Blue Bird"
(February/March 2013 American Music Teacher) |
Eunjung Choi |
Federico Mompou: Catalonian Composer Magnifico
(December/January 2006/2007 American Music Teacher) |
Joseph Rawlins |
An Overview of Pedagogical Piano Repertoire by Contemporary Korean Composers
(December/January 2005/2006 American Music Teacher) |
JeongSoo Kim |
The Multifaceted Nationalism of William Grant Still
(August/September 2002 American Music Teacher) |
David Kushner |
Native Music of the Northwest: A Columbia River Plateau Perspective
(February/March 1993 American Music Teacher) |
Loran Olsen |
Japanese Music: An East-West Synthesis
(October/November 1991 American Music Teacher) |
Shuko Watanabe |
Discovering the Music of Black Women Composers
(August/September 1990 American Music Teacher) |
Helen Walker-Hill |
Women Composers of Keyboard Music: An Historical Overview
(November/December 1985 American Music Teacher) |
Nora Gibson |
The Keyboard Sonatas of Baldassare Galuppi: Pedagogical Alternatives to the Standard Repertoire
(June/July 1985 American Music Teacher) |
Ruth Holmes |